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Regional Dance Competition in

Columbus, OH

Columbus Convention Center

September 18-23, 2020

New Location!

KAR is dedicated to producing world class dance events that provide rewarding and positive experiences for dancers, teachers, and parents. Our competitions give dancers across America the opportunity to showcase their talent and passion on the KAR stage. We also proudly acknowledge the achievements and excellence of dance teachers, choreographers, and parents and appreciate their efforts in helping to make dreams come true! KAR is honored to be recognized as America’s Favorite Dance Competition and look forward to seeing the amazing talent your city has to offer!

Register Now! Order Digital Souvenir Program Now!


Daniel Aries

Event Coordinator

Susan Chavez
(714) 826-8440 ext 1003
Columbus, OH - 4/11/2019
Columbus, OH - 4/11/2019
Columbus, OH - 4/11/2019
Columbus, OH - 4/11/2019
Columbus, OH - 4/11/2019
Columbus, OH - 4/11/2019
Columbus, OH - 4/11/2019
Columbus, OH - 4/11/2019

Venue Info

Columbus Convention Center

Columbus Convention Center 400 North High Street - Columbus, OH 43215

Health & Safety Guidelines

KAR remains committed to producing a world-class dance competition and ensuring we have the best team in the business to make the “new normal” an event of a lifetime. We are confident you will be impressed and amazed by our efforts to go above and beyond as we resume LIVE DANCE COMPETITIONS. From the bottom of our dance hearts, we would like to personally thank you for the continued loyalty and support, the cooperation you have shown during this unprecedented time has definitely been appreciated and does not go unnoticed. The past several months have been unlike anything we have ever experienced, and it has encouraged us to evolve and think outside of the box. We strive to continue to bring you the service and quality you expect, even if it may look a little different than it has in the past. As cities and states begin to share plans to reopen, we would like to share an update on our current situation and let you know how we are planning for the future. Our goal is to ensure the health and safety of our guests as we support our clients in successfully navigating through these challenges. We are also working closely with a task force in preparation for the re-opening, and putting together formal guidelines that will ensure we remain compliant with CDC, State and Local mandates.

Everyone that is entering the venue must have the KAR Waiver in their hand when they arrive.


Memories from last year...

Core Values