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Las Vegas, NV (Blue Room) – Title Competition Results Are In!

Blue Room

Hello There!

I’m here in the Blue Room for our Las Vegas, Nevada KAR 2017 National Dance Finals! The heat is on.. And no, I am not talking about the 100-degree weather. I’m referring to the dancers who are bringing the fire to the stage and burning up the dance floor!!!! We look forward to Finals in Las Vegas every year because it’s one of the most talented cities we visit, and this year was no exception. All week the competition has been fierce, but the dancers were really fighting on our Title Competition night. What an honor it is to become one of our National Titleholders! Only 8 dancers are selected to represent us as our National winners for the upcoming season. 116 dancers left it all out on the floor in hopes of becoming our new national champions. So who will be our new Miss Petite, Miss Junior Dance America, Miss Teen Dance America, and Miss Dance America?!?

We had to close the auditorium after morning competition so that we could reset the stage for title. Even after a long day, dancers and parents were eager to return because they were patiently waiting outside our doors 30 minutes before they opened! Opening the doors was like Christmas morning…Everyone rushed in to find the perfect seat! Once the auditorium was full and the dancers were ready, our Title Competition officially began! As a special way to begin the competition, all 116 dancers entered the stage two at a time, getting a couple seconds to feature themselves. We could tell the talent was going to be top notch just from the opening ceremony.

After 6 hours of mind blowing performances, it was finally time for the moment we all were waiting for…CROWNING!!!!

Please join me in congratulating our new Mr. and Miss Petite Maddox Ellison and Kendyl Fay, new Miss Junior Dance America Michelle Cheng, Miss Teen Dance America Ansley Hare, and, finally our new Mr. and Miss Dance America Gino Cosculluela and Kristen Scott. These dancers have worked so hard on their award winning routines and it shows! Congratulations!

The Title Competition is a great way to top of an exciting Finals Week. We love watching these soloists pour everything into their performance for a chance to be one of our National Titleholders. To be eligible to compete for a National Title you must qualify at one of our exciting regional competitions. Find out more here.

In the meantime, check out the opening intro video below!

To see the photos and videos please visit our store media here.


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